Black People in poverty because of alcohol abuse and faking success
Dear White People in South Africa
The black people in this country of ours, South Africa, remain angry, unforgiving, some with traces of resentment and others with outright hatred towards white people.
1994 only brought services to black people, it only brought greater opportunity for them to slave off in a white owned economy, it only brought a vote – something they had never lost; it brought opportunity to swim on the same beaches as white people, congregating in the same buildings etc. Without economic freedom, political freedom becomes useless – go read Chika Onyeani’s Capitalist Nigger.
The much worshipped ‘new black middle class’ is just a pretend class, a class caught in debt because of the high standard of living in the many white areas they seek to move in. The owners of property remain by far and large white and continue to raise prices in the property business to unaffordable and at times plainly ludicrous prices – which force these newly affording blacks to enter into debt so as to afford.
The captains of industry that are white, with foreign ties continue to silently collude on some prices of goods and services that must be rendered to this ‘new black middle class’. These black people vowed that they would give their children the best education, since they mostly grew up in the latter days of the Bantu education. However, quality education in this country remains largely a commodity found in private schools and former Model C schools.
In essence it means these blacks are without choice but to move closer to these schools, which the bulk of them are either found in former white settlements or in remote areas that require private transport to get to, such as the Drakensberg Boys’ Choir or the Hilton College in Pietermaritzburg.
The now public former Model C schools come with a hefty price tag, which means if this ‘new black middle class’ is to afford them they must dig deep in their pockets till the last cent comes out and forego the possibility of having extra cash to save.
We often mourn in this country that we are not a saving economy. But the question that remains unanswered is; where do we expect this money to save to come from? Large corporates owned by white people like SAB Miller, go to strategic meetings to develop ways on how to sustain and grow their rates of selling alcohol.
Yes, even in traditional African society there was and there still is beer in abundance and it was gotten for free during traditional functions or at times it came at a very low cost. The Tiger Brands of today, which have very little to do with black people in terms of ownership, try and lure this ‘new black middle class’ into spending money on expensive whiskeys that perform the same function as any other cheap alcohol and that is to get a person drunk. Of course, this ‘new black middle class’ realises it is stuck in a trap, a trap created by white dominated capital