EFF members chased Laerskool Schweizer-Reneke racist teacher out of town.

It is being reported that the teacher who was suspended after a photo of Laerskool Schweizer-Reneke Grade R pupils, seemingly separated on the basis of their race, has left the town.

EFF Protesters wearing EFF regalia – made their way onto the premises on Thursday morning while North West Education MEC Sello Lehari was visiting the school.

Lehari later announced that the teacher had been suspended. Netwerk24 noted that the woman was severely traumatised. While the school’s governing body said it was technically open, many parents kept their children at home on Friday.

The photo was posted on social media on Wednesday – the first day of the 2019 academic year – and soon became the centre of debate on racism and race relations, both in Schweizer-Reneke and South Africa at large.

On Thursday, more photos emerged, seemingly from the same set, and they showed the pupils sitting together.

Many parents have defended the teacher, saying she loved all of her pupils.

Meanwhile, parents of black pupils claimed their children have in the past complained about being called klein swartetjies (loosely translated as little blacks).

Most of them spoke on condition of anonymity, fearing their children would be victimised.

The black parents said they wanted their children to get the best possible education in the Afrikaans-medium school and didn’t have problems with the school’s policy.

The school is the only primary school in town, while there are other schools in the nearby Ipelegeng township.

However, they felt the school should transform and encourage pupils to love one another regardless of race and gender.

Among the parents, was a couple whose child was among those who were seated with other black children in the first photo released.

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