Bishop T.D Jakes : ‘Our church to remain closed for the entire period on Lockdown’

Thomas Dexter Jakes Sr well known as Bishop T. D. Jakes went on twitter to announce that his church will abide by lockdown rules and remain closed. He made the announcement on how the church will use technology to keep in touch with it’s members and to communicate their messages.

In his tweet his wrote “compromise your health and those you love!⁣ ⁣ In the meantime, we will continue to hold church services online and to remain connected with you by telephone, email, social media, and our myriad of outreach services. compromise your health and those you love!⁣”

On the decision to open the church and when it is going to be opened he wrote that “For me this decision to open our church isn’t predicated on a particular date, but rather a long-awaited state of perpetual decline. As African Americans, Latinos, older people, individuals with pre-existing health maladies, and others are at high risk, we cannot afford to move”

Bishop T.D Jakes further wrote that “Several churches who have disregarded CDC guidelines have experienced outbreaks in the churches and thereby the community, resulting in deaths and suffering. In an overabundance of caution, I’m going to delay reopening until we can resume effectively and safely.”

On those with little and nothing to eat he extended his helping hand by saying “I know that this pandemic has placed a strain on several families with school-age children. To help alleviate some of the stress, we have partnered with @UnitedMegaCare to compile a list of school meal sites ready to serve you! ⁣⁣ For more information:

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