The Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital said that the facility had treated more patients in its trauma units with alcohol-related incidents in the past 24 hours.
Chris Baragwanath Hospital CEO Dr Nkele Lesia says Level 3 started the number of trauma cases has doubled.
South Africa on Monday officially entered lockdown Level 3, which meant that many employees returned to work.
Lockdown Level 3 also means that South Africans can now buy alcohol from 9am until 5pm from Monday to Thursday, it also means people can now exercise at any time of the day.
How has the alcohol ban lift affected trauma units in hospitals?
Clement Manyathela chats to Chris Baragwanath Hospital chief executive officer Dr Nkele Lesia to give more insight on the matter.
“In 24 hours in our trauma units, we have observed that the number of patients has now increased. On 31 May we only saw 66 trauma patients but the number almost doubled yesterday. Majority of patients were actually drunk.” Dr Nkele Lesia, CEO – Chris Baragwanath Hospital
The unbanning of alcohol is going to increase the number of trauma cases, she says.
“During Level 5 lockdown our trauma unit was empty but now there are more cases. The increase means we need to assist these cases impacting on the medical side as well.” Dr Nkele Lesia, CEO – Chris Baragwanath Hospital
“It is not ideal to have overcrowding in the emergency unit because we are dealing with COVID-19 cases.” Dr Nkele Lesia, CEO – Chris Baragwanath Hospital