West Coast District
SALARY : R145 281 per annum
CENTRE : Vredenburg Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: General Education and Training Certificate (GETC) /grade 9 (Std 7). Experience: Appropriate supervisory and practical/applicable experience in a cleaning/housekeeping setting within a health or hospitality environment.
Inherent requirements of the job: Valid (Code B/EB) driver`s license. Willingness to work shifts which including weekends, night duty, public holidays and standby duty.
Competencies (knowledge/skills): Knowledge of infection prevention and control, hospitality, safety and hygiene standards. Proficient (verbal and written) in at least two of three official languages of the Western Cape. Ability to work in a team environment, independently and selfdriven. Computer literacy (Microsoft Word and Excel).
DUTIES : Responsible for overall planning, control, organising, performing and coordinating at task related to household, food serving and hygiene services. Ensure the effective use, maintenance, ordering, safe-keeping and monitoring of supplies and equipment.
Supervise and manage personnel in their performance, as well as all other human resource related duties (i.e. staff performance and discipline). Implement and monitor policies, programmes, regulations, practices, procedures and standards. Provide an effective relief, coordination and support service to management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms CH Oosthuizen Tel No: (022) 709-5099
APPLICATIONS : Please submit your application to the Manager: Medical Services, Vredenburg Hospital, Private Bag X3, Vredenburg, 7380
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.