REF NO: 2021/102

SALARY : R145 281 per annum

CENTRE : Cape Town Regional Office

REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate or equivalent qualifications. Appropriate experience in Switchboard. Good customer etiquette and listening skills, writing skills, friendliness, good communication and interpersonal skills.

Computer literacy (MS Packages): Microsoft world, Microsoft excel, access, internet and emails. Ability to cope under pressure. Knowledge of switchboard (telephone Management) systems would be an added advantage.

Serve internal as well external clients. Computer literate. Experience in switchboard procedures.

DUTIES : The successful candidate will manage the switchboard by facilitating incoming and outgoing calls. Assist technicians with the movement of telephone and fax line (e.g. escort technicians through the building).

Certifying job done by technicians when called in for services. Open new telephone lines. Checking of faulty line and telephones handset before logging a call to telephone companies.

Ensure that all invoices for services rendered by the technicians are timeously paid. Arrange telephone instruments for new employees. Capturing monthly telephone information/ data on excel.

Download monthly telephone bill for DPW & PMTE officials, monthly printout, distribution or sending of telephone bills to staff. Ensure that all telecommunication accounts are up to date. Open individual file for staff.

Report faults to information services appointed service provider. Perform any other work schedule in accordance with the various requirements of the Unit.

ENQUIRIES : Ms. P Bambela Tel No: (021) 402 2193

Cape Town Regional Office: Post: The Regional Manager, Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, Private Bag X9027, Cape Town, 8000 or Hand-delivery: The Customs House Building, Lower Heerengracht Road, Cape Town.

For Attention: Ms N. Mtsulwana.

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