POST 14/24 : CLEANER II REF NO: 10SAINBN/11/21/15 (11 X POSTS)

SALARY : R102 534 per annum (Level 2)

CENTRE : 10 SAI BN, Mahikeng.

REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of Grade 10 or ABET L1-4. Special requirements (Skills needed): Ability communicate effectively (verbal) in English. Basic knowledge of health and safety. Knowledge of basic maintenance of machinery with low level of complexity in operating it.

Knowledge of basic hand tools and cleaning equipment. Ability to operate cleaning machines Ability to perform routine tasks. Ability to work in team and individually. Basic numeracy and literacy skills.

Must be physically fit to perform cleaning duties. Working relations with others.

DUTIES : Perform cleaning related duties in offices and other facilities as determined by Supervisor (i.e. sweeping, vacuuming, window cleaning, dusting, polishing furniture and floors). Clean ablution facilities. Report and defects in the work place to immediate supervisor.

ENQUIRIES : LT E.T. Madise Tel No: (081) 642 6047

APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army 10 SAI BN, Private Bag X2014, Mahikeng, 2745.

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