POST 14/09 : DRIVER REF NO: 46SABDE/11/21/77 (1 X POST)

SALARY : R122 595 per annum (Level 3)

CENTRE : HQ 46 SABDE. Johannesburg.

REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of Grade 10 or ABET L1-4. Special requirements (Skills needed): To have knowledge of transport procedure and processes, communication, time management, and interpersonal skills.

DUTIES : Provide delivery/issue service. Transporting of Personnel and collect documents. Ensure roper Utilization of vehicles and cleanliness of Vehicles all times.

Perform routine checks of vehicle. Ability to work in a team and individually and maintain good working relations with other members. Report all faults to your immediate supervisor.

ENQUIRIES : SSgt C. Mathivha Tel No: (011) 417 6029/6035.

APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, 46 SA BDE Headquarters, Private bag X2, Kengray, Johannesburg. 2100 or you may hand deliver 222 Cumbaland Road South Kensington, Kengray.

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