South African Air Force Careers | Internships Posts Applications
The Department of Defence (DoD) invites unemployed youth to apply for the South African Air Force Graduate Internship Programme 2023.
The Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer with clear employment equity targets.
STIPEND: The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
- (Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per Month)
CENTRES: various
The Department of Defence is a department of the South African government. It oversees the South African National Defence Force, the armed forces responsible for defending South Africa. Applications are hereby invited for the filling of the vacant posts, which exist in the Department. It oversees the South African National Defence Force, the armed forces responsible for defending South Africa.The South African Air Force is the air warfare branch of South African National Defence Force, with its headquarters in Pretoria. The South African Air Force was established on 1 February 1920.The South African Air Force is the second oldest air force in the Commonwealth.
National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Communication Studies (Media Studies), Journalism, Public Relations Management, Marketing Management, Hospitality Management and Tourism, Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, Archive and Records Management and Electrical Engineering.The Graduate Programme is meant to provide work exposure to graduates in their field of study. The applicants must be unemployed and never participated in any Internship programme in the Public Service. Applicants must be between the ages of 18-35. Applicants who participated in any other Government Internship and Learnership Programmes before will not be considered. Students requiring experiential training as part of their qualification must attach a formal letter from theirTertiary Institution. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. The successful candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (criminal record and security Clearance).
Send applications to: Department of Defence, SA Air Force Headquarters, Air Command-Directorate ETD, Private Bag X199, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivery at South African Air Force, 1 Dequar Road, Pretoria.Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Should you not hear from us within 2 months of the closing date, please accept that your application is unsuccessful. Applications received after the closing date and those that do not comply with the requirements will not be considered. Graduates living with Disabilities are encouraged to apply. Successful applicants will be responsible to arrange their own accommodation and transport to and from place of work, during the period of the Internship.Applications should be submitted on the prescribed 2021 Z83 form obtainable from all Government Departments or can be downloaded from the link at the bottom of this post. Applicants must utilize the most recent Z83 application for employment form, and failure to do so will results in disqualification. The Z83 form must be fully completed, duly signed, dated and initialed by the applicant. Download the advert in PDF form from the link below, as well as the new Z83 form.
Mr E.M. Rabapane Tel No: (012) 312 1038General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079Download full advert using links below for further information.