The Doctors Association has given out answers for the causes of Cancer

Why plastic is dangerous
The FDA admitted that plastic leaches around fifty-five to sixty different chemicals when heated. When you heat food in a takeaway container or serve it hot on a plastic plate/container, the process mixes various chemicals (and oestrogen mimicking hormones) with your food. Eating such food creates hormonal imbalance that can lead to health issues like PCOD, ovarian issues, breast cancers, colon cancer, prostrate cancers, and many others.

Where do you use plastic the most?
People today usually use plastic containers to store warm leftovers or Styrofoam cups to drink hot coffee. The leaching process of chemicals into your food/drink takes only little heat to start. Even if the food is kept in the refrigerator, the heat from the food can cause harm.

What is microwave safe
Microwave-safe is just a scam. It means that the bowl, which is also made of plastic, won’t get warped or disfigured with the heat beyond a melting point. Using a micro-safe vessel can very well leach chemicals. Food should be heated on the burner. It just takes four to five minutes more than microwave.

Precautions while eating and drinking
Before drinking water, transfer water from plastic bottles into glass bottles. Mothers should stop feeding baby milk in plastic bottles. Glass bottle is the best way to avoid unwanted plastic exposure. Stop using fancy plastic tiffin boxes to pack school lunches. Choose simple stainless-steel boxes.

Side effects of oestrogen mimicking hormones and toxins

In males, it results in low sperm count or low-quality sperm. It is difficult for a woman to conceive when the prolactin is high. This further leads to infertility in young couples.

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