One of Nzhelele, Venda most famous old man, known as Avhatakali Mulaudzi has died at the age of 80 while sleeping with a 19-year-old girl.

Avhatakali Mulaudzi claimed to have had sex with many women during his years as a nightclub promoter. He began working in Hotel City, in Joburg Gauteng, during the 1970s.

This Tuesday, he was – shall we say – ‘entertaining’ a 19 year old girl from Nzhelele Phadzima when he succumbed to a fatal heart attack, reports the Daily Mail.

Naturally, his partner at the time was quite shocked by this new development and called paramedics to the scene. Sadly, they were unable to revive him. Reports in the media have said that he went out the way he would have wanted to.

Back in the 1970s, Avhatakali made his name aged just 17 working for a nightclub called Blow Up. Basically, his role was to stand in the street chatting to women and trying to entice them to come into the club.

He was good at his job. He was DAMN good at his job.

With a lovely tan, long fair hair, and a chest wig – come on, it was the 1970s – he managed to seduce many women over the years.

In fact, he claimed that in a good summer he could bed as many as 200 women. Over a career of 30 years, that’s probably where the many women figure comes from. The maths checks out.

Whilst it wasn’t the summer season, he would spend his time working for tourist agencies in Cape Town. In his final interview, with the German paper Bild, back in 2014, he claimed: “At 59, I’m getting too old for it.”

Well, it doesn’t look like he was at that stage, given what we now know, but he certainly was last Tuesday. To be fair, it seems as if he lived his life to the fullest and certainly won many admirers around Venda and Gauteng.

So, fair play to Avhatakali Mulaudzi. He’s gone now, but he was never anything but devoted to his craft.

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