Sperms Wanted: Money compensation for donating sperms
Do you qualify to be a sperm donor?
If you are a healthy non-smoker between the ages of 18 and 37 you are the man that we need. We have several recipient families who are looking for a sperm donor just like you. Apply now in the application box on the right-hand side of the screen.
Let’s talk about the money
While we know our sperm donors donate to help our recipients, we also compensate you for the time and commitment it takes to be a great donor. Our sperm donors receive money for compensation for their time and travel expenses.
How the sperm donation process works
Step 1:
Fill in the initial screening and application form on the right-hand side of this screen.
Step 2:
The Donation Agency will set up a time for a free semen screening. Should you qualify, you will proceed to step 3.
Step 3:
The Donation Agency will set up time for a free blood screen.
Step 4:
On average donations take place twice a week for about four weeks.
A member of our team will brief you on what to do before sample collection day so that the sample is of the highest quality.
Step 5:
A final blood test is needed a month after your final sample has been given. One of the things we admire most about our sperm donors is their tenacity and with that their thirst for information. Responsible donors ask lots of questions. Therefore, we have put this frequently asked questions section together for you. If you don’t find the answer to your question here, please get in touch with us.
South African Sperm Banks
We would recommend that you make contact with the following Sperm Banks should you be looking for a South African Donor Sperm Bank:
- www.androcryos.co.za– Johannesburg
- www.medfem.co.za – Johannesburg
- www.capecryobank.co.za– Cape Town