SALARY : R261 372 per annum
CENTRE : Provincial Office: Western Cape
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) year relevant tertiary qualification in Supply Chain Management/ Finance/ Public/ Business Management. One (1) functional experience and EB drivers license.
Knowledge: Public Financial Management Act, Treasury Regulations, SCM Policy, Asset Management Policy, SDLA, OHS Act and Regulations, COIDA, UIA, UI Contribution Act, Skill Development Act, Batho Pele Principles.
Skills: Supervision, Negotiation, Client Orientation and customer, Facilitation, Computer Literacy, Communication, Analytical.
DUTIES : Provide contract and tender management support to be in line with developed relevant prescripts. Administer open and close tender processes in compliance with the SCM Policies and Treasury Regulations. Provide goods and services in line with relevant prescripts of the Province. Provide inventory management and support to ensure effectiveness and efficient in the Province. Manage all resources of the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Q Bowman Tel No: 082 901 3232
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 872, Cape Town, 8000 or hand deliver at: Department of Employment and Labour, No.9 Long Street, Cnr Riebeeck and Long Street, Cape Town.